Mitchell Smile Design Blog

Finding a New Dentist in Oklahoma City

February 10, 2016

Filed under: General Dentistry,Uncategorized — Tags: , , , — drmitchell @ 1:01 am

dentist Oklahoma CityIf you’re new to Oklahoma City, then welcome! We know you’re going to love living here. And if you’re a long-time resident of OKC who is looking for a new dentist, then we’d like to welcome you, too—to our practice, that is. Mitchell Smile Design is a full-service dental practice that offers a comprehensive menu of treatments to care for the smiles of everyone in your family. When looking for a dentist, OKC residents often find that Dr. Mitchell and his team are the right choice.

Oklahoma City Dentist Urges Checkup Every Six Months

January 5, 2016

dentist oklahoma citySome things in life are optional — like milk in your coffee, or popcorn with your movie. One thing that’s not a choice, however, is your six month checkup and cleaning at Mitchell Smile Design. Unfortunately, these regular visits are often brushed off as something that can wait, or that’s not really all that necessary. But as your dentist in Oklahoma City, Dr. Mitchell wants to remind you that these visits are a vital step to excellent oral health. Keep reading to learn more, then schedule your first checkup of 2016!


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