Did You Knock Out a Tooth? Here’s What to Do!

May 14, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmitchell @ 10:01 pm
young woman holding knocked out tooth

Every year, over five million teeth are knocked out in both children and adults. These incidents can occur due to a blow to the face or accidental injuries like tripping and falling. However, losing a tooth doesn’t mean it’s gone forever. If you act quickly, your tooth can be successfully re-implanted and last for many years! Continue reading for a step-by-step guide on what to do if you’ve knocked out a tooth.

Locate and Handle the Tooth Carefully

The first step is to find the knocked-out tooth. Once you’ve located it, pick it up by the crown (the chewing surface) – not the root. Handling the tooth by the crown helps avoid damaging any connective tissues, which improves the chances of successful re-implantation.

Clean the Tooth Gently

If your tooth was knocked out during an activity like sports, it might have landed on the ground and gotten dirty. Gently rinse the tooth with water to clean it. Avoid using soap, chemicals, or scrubbing the tooth. Do not dry it or wrap it in tissue or cloth.

Re-Implant the Tooth If Possible

If you can, try to reinsert the tooth into its socket immediately. Handle the tooth by the crown and gently push it into the socket with your fingers. Alternatively, position it above the socket and close your mouth slowly. While waiting to see your dentist, hold the tooth in place with your fingers or gently bite down on it.

Preserve the Tooth if You Can’t Re-Implant It

If you’re unable to re-implant the tooth, it’s crucial to keep it moist. Place the tooth in milk or a saline solution. If you have an emergency tooth preservation kit, use that. Do not store the tooth in tap water, as it can harm the root surface cells.

Visit Your Dentist Immediately

Contact your dentist right away and schedule an emergency appointment. Ideally, you should see them within 30 minutes of the injury. Make sure to bring the tooth with you. Depending on your situation, the dentist may be able to save and re-implant it.

If you’ve recently knocked out a tooth in Oklahoma City, remain calm and follow these steps. Acting quickly can significantly increase the chances of saving your tooth and restoring your smile.

About the Practice

Mitchell Smile Design is prepared to meet the oral health needs of patients and families in Oklahoma City and the surrounding areas. Led by Dr. Bradley Mitchell, our team is dedicated to providing exceptional care. If you or a loved one has knocked out a tooth, don’t hesitate to reach out for assistance. Schedule an emergency appointment via our website or call (405) 708-5672.