Men and women’s bodies are similar in several ways; dental health is not one of those. Many people aren’t aware that several factors, including age, weight, and genetic makeup, can drastically impact the likelihood of developing certain medical conditions and health problems. For men, they’re at a significantly higher risk of several dental issues than women, which is why regular visits to a dentist in OKC are an absolute necessity. Read on to learn how men’s teeth and gums differ from women’s, and how men can reduce their risk of developing common issues.
Being Proactive Means Avoiding Problems Down The Road
According to the American Dental Association, women typically have a better track record of keeping up good dental hygiene habits at home. They’re also more diligent about visiting their dentist in OKC every six months for a checkup and cleaning, which is a vital part of maintaining the health of teeth and gums. With regular brushing, flossing, and rinsing, women are also more likely to avoid developing common issues that afflict many patients, including cavities and gum disease.
Overall, men are less likely to be proactive about maintaining their oral health and warding off accumulating bacteria, plaque, and food debris. Because of this, they’re at a higher risk of developing certain problems.
Risk Factors For Men
As mentioned earlier, dental problems can be based on a variety of factors, such as habits or genetics. Statistics shows that men have more habits and practices that are likely to put their dental health at risk. Not only are they less likely to keep up with their semi-annual visits to the dentist, but they’re also more likely to use tobacco products and drink alcohol on a regular basis. Both of these issues are highly damaging to teeth and gums.
Tobacco and alcohol consumption are bad oral habits because they can increase your risk in developing problems such as oral cancer, enamel erosion, gum disease, and cavities. Without regular visits to the dentist, some patients aren’t even aware of how their bad habits are impacting their mouth, which is why these appointments are such an important part of keeping your teeth and gums healthy.
Slashing the Statistics For Better Oral Health
There’s no question when you look at the statistics that men are more at risk for developing certain oral health problems because of their increased likelihood to partake in habits that can damage their mouth. The best way to battle the numbers is to keep up with regular preventive care from your dentist in OKC and remain diligent about brushing, flossing, and rinsing at home. It’s also incredibly beneficial to maintain a nutritious diet to keep harmful oral bacteria away. When you follow these simple tips, you’ll be able to improve your dental health and enjoy your smile for decades to come.
About the Author
Dr. Bradley Mitchell offers comprehensive dental care. That means, whether you’re visiting his office for a checkup and cleaning, cosmetic, or restorative treatment, our team has you covered. He enjoys forming long-lasting relationships with his patients and really getting to know them, so he can provide you with the tools and treatments you need to enjoy your natural pearly whites for years to come. He is also an active member of the American Dental Association, Oklahoma Dental Association, and Academy of General Dentistry. For questions or to schedule a routine checkup and cleaning, visit Mitchell Smile Design’s website or call 405-755-2670.