Your Dentist Shares Dental Tips for Dealing with Sickness

November 27, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmitchell @ 5:57 pm

tired man sick drained The weather is cooling down—finally. Doesn’t it seem like the hotter weather lasts forever nowadays? Either way, it’s common for people to become sick from the weather changing. If you’re feeling less than great lately, your dentist wants you to know it’s still important to take care of your teeth—even when you don’t feel like doing anything else. When you have a cold, taking care of your body is your top priority and that includes your teeth!

Keep Up Good Oral Hygiene While You’re Sick

When you’re sick, the common practice is to cover your mouth when you cough and sneeze. Why is that? Many of the germs that cause sickness can harbor in your mouth.

Another rule to follow while you’re sick is to never share your toothbrush—no matter what. According to the Centers for Disease Control, the flu virus can survive for up to 72 hours in moist areas. Store your toothbrush is a dry, ventilated area. Be sure to replace your toothbrush as not to re-infect yourself after you recover from your sickness.

Swish and Spit

This may sound gross, but if you’re sick enough to have thrown up, be sure to rinse your mouth out immediately. Vomit may contain acids from your stomach that can erode your teeth. You might be tempted to brush your teeth right away, but the acid may still be present on your teeth. Scrubbing them may further erode your teeth. Wait a half an hour to brush and thoroughly rinse your mouth instead.

Stay Hydrated with the Right Fluids

When you’re sick, you need plenty of fluids to fully recover. One reason is to prevent a dry mouth for the benefit of your breath and oral health, along with needing to stay hydrated while taking medications. Sure, drinking water is great and will help you get over your illness, but if you must drink other substances try to keep them sugar free.

Many people say to drink Gatorade or something with electrolytes, but those drinks may also contain high levels of acid. It’s safest to stay hydrated with water or by eating soups.

Need Cough Drops? Choose Sugar Free Drops.

Medicine never tastes good, so some companies may add high-fructose corn syrup to your cough drops. Be sure to avoid these high-sugar cough drops that taste like candy. The longer you suck on these sugary cough drops, the more time cavity-causing bacteria has to feast on that sugar, which produces the acid that can leave tooth decay to ruin your teeth.

Hopefully, these helpful tips will speed up your recovery while keeping your smile healthy all at the same time.

About Our Office

Here at Mitchell Smile Design, we believe in making sure that your whole body is taken care—not just your mouth. If you ever need helpful dental advice, you can feel free to contact our office. Our assistance will keep your overall health in good shape and your smile shining for years to come!