Oklahoma City Dentist Dr. Brad Mitchell Replaces Missing Teeth

October 13, 2016

Filed under: Dental Implants,Uncategorized — Tags: — drmitchell @ 7:16 pm

Oklahoma City dentist Dr. Mitchell restores smiles by replacing missing teeth. If you have a missing tooth, then replacement is a must. Not only because that one missing tooth can have such a poor impact on the appearance of your smile, but also because of the serious oral and general health complications that can result from tooth loss. Oklahoma City dentist Dr. Brad Mitchell offers two of the best tooth replacement options available: dental implants and crown and bridge therapy. With either of these procedures, Dr. Mitchell can rebuild your smile and restore your ability to smile, talk and chew normally.

Dental Implants in Oklahoma City

Unlike any other tooth replacement option, dental implants are undeniably the most like a natural tooth. Whether you need one implant to replace a single missing tooth or several implants to secure an implant-retained denture, these accurately recreate the form and function of your teeth.

To restore your smile with dental implants, one or more titanium posts are surgically positioned along your jawbone. Each implant is strategically placed to take advantage of the most bone density, so you can be sure the implant is secure. Depending on which tooth is replaced, healing from this minor oral surgery takes anywhere from three to six months. During this time, the implant and surrounding bone tissue fuse together—the bone holds the implant in place and the implant stimulates healthy new bone tissue growth. After healing, you’ll return to see your dentist in Oklahoma City where an abutment and your new tooth will be attached to the implant. If you have a single missing tooth, then a custom designed porcelain crown recreates the visible portion of your tooth. For several missing teeth, Dr. Mitchell will design a partial or full denture to attach to your implants.

Crown and Bridge Therapy with your Dentist in Oklahoma City

Another excellent choice for tooth replacement is a crown and bridge. This treatment necessitates mounting dental crowns on top of healthy teeth that straddle your missing teeth. These crowns then support the bridge of false teeth that span the gap in your smile. The teeth with crowns will be prepared at an initial visit, and then the crowns and attached bridge are cemented into place at a second appointment. With proper oral hygiene and regular dental checkups, a crown and bridge can give you years of healthy smiles.

Call Your Oklahoma City Dentist Today

If you have missing teeth, don’t wait another day for tooth replacement. Dental implants in Oklahoma City, or a crown and bridge, are both viable tooth replacement options that Oklahoma City dentist Dr. Mitchell would be happy to discuss with you.